Saturday 7 March 2020

Health Benefits Of Irish Potatoes

 The nutritional content of potatoes vary depending on the variety and how they are prepared.
For instance, those that fry potatoes add more calories and fat than any other kind of cooking.
It’s also important to note that the skin of the potatoes contains a great amount of vitamins and minerals.
“Peeling potatoes can significantly reduce their nutritional content. People should try to embrace the culture of preparing Irish potatoes without removing their skin.

                                                  Health benefits of Irish potatoes.

     An Irish potato can give you 12% of the fibre you need which helps to promote your gut health and regularize  bowel movements,carbohydrates present in Irish potatoes help in quick and easy digestion. This makes it a good choice for babies and patients who may  face difficulty in digesting foods.
Irish potatoes are rich in Vitamin C which prevents deficiency diseases like scurvy. It also prevents the occurrence of other symptoms like cold, viral infections, bleeding gums and spongy inflamed gums,the high Vitamin C content also help  to repair the wear and tear of the body cells,Applying the juice of raw potatoes over inflammation can provide good relief
     Irish potatoes have the ability to lower blood pressure levels thanks to its essential vitamins that can control stress, tension and anxiety. The fibre found in potatoes lowers the level of cholesterol and promotes insulin production in your body. This in turn, lowers the level of blood pressure in your body.
    Irish potatoes release stress are exceedingly rich in vitamin B6 needed for the renewal of cells and maintenance of a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood.Vitamin B6 aids in the production of adrenaline, a hormone that helps us respond to stress, and GABA, a substance linked to relaxation.
Irish potatoes  are Good for the heart and also contain minerals, roughages, and a substance called carotenoids, which promote good heart health ,Irish potatoes are also rich sources of flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin A, like zeaxanthin and carotenes, as well as acompound called quercetin that protects you from cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells.

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