Sunday 29 December 2019

Badly Heartbroken Woman calls Ex-Boyfriend 27,639

Kelly Murphy, 28-year old was arrested for calling her ex-boyfriend, Randy Williams nonstop for one whole week!
 Not only she called him 27,639 times in a week, but also sent him 937 emails.
 11,229 text messages, she even sent messages where she sang to him
117 times  and 47 letters in the same period.

Thing is they only dated for Two weeks,but unable to accept the break-up badly heart broken Kelly used up to EIGHT phones at once to call him, 24 hours a day nonstop! His cell phone, home number, work place, basically she was everywhere!
There are claims that this almost sent Randy into depression

Kemi's Comment: Poor thing but with a Name like Randy ,women should beware

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