Sunday 5 January 2020

Imagine Finding 7.09 Million Naira In a Refuse Heap

Workers at a recycling center in England enlisted the help of police to find the owners of nearly $20,000 cash found in a box.

Avon and Somerset Police said staff at the Recycle for Bathnes depot in Midsomer Norton were checking a box to make sure it didn't contain any electrical cable when they discovered the stash of cash totaling $19,682.

The center contacted police, and investigators were able to identify the car that had dropped off several boxes at the recycling facility earlier in the day.

Police spoke with the owners of the vehicle and they confirmed they had dropped off several boxes at the center after helping to clean out the home of a recently deceased relative.

"Despite the fact they mentioned that the relative was known to hide money around the house in unusual places, they were aghast to hear the details of the find," police said in a Facebook post.

The money was turned over to the couple.

"We would like to say a big thank you to the staff at the recycling center. Without their diligent attitude, integrity and assistance, the family would never have known about the money found, and we would not have been able to return it to them, especially in time for Christmas," police wrote.

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