Tuesday 7 January 2020

Monday Thoughts : Revenge ! Updated

Whatever you choose to say or not say about zodiac signs and astrology I do believe that no one was born in a Particular Period,Particular day and Time  by Accident hence the theory that it is most likely people born under a particular sign have some similarities even in their diversity,That is how far it goes in astrology for me i do not however believe in Horoscopes where you are dictated to daily what will become of the day taking the freshness out of the the experiencing of each day ,hence i stop at only learnin the weaknesses and strenghts of each sign ,Now that said : I am A Scorpio by birth that is my Sun Sign,there are moon signs ascendants etc which i do not bother my head about .

Now scorpio my greatest weakness is the drive for revenge it doesnt help that as a scorpio i am also drawn to alot of spirituality and books the average person may not be interested in hence lets just say I have the tools for revenge at my disposal but then what differentiates a scorpion scorpio from an eagle scorpio is the ability to walk away from perceived and real injustice ,However i find that the scorpio revenge spirit comes lately.
You see the  weaknesses of each Zodiac Sign is a pointer to what needs to heal in the person's character and  being in this lifetime.
While the strengths is a pointer to what we can adequately utilize for our greatest benefits .
So yes i found Myself revenging and it was sweet knowing i could fight back but the the spirit of God departed from me like it does to every one who seeks revenge .

A Holy Book states that God says "Vengeance is mine I will repay"

No Human can adequately measure the commensurate punishment for another human's injustice . No Human can and that is why in God's wisdom he states that and little wonder Christ said Forgive 70 X 7 knowing fully well that ,that is like saying always forgive no matter what

In the battles that rage in life we all need the Spirit of God to guide and direct our steps aright but when we seek Revenge it departs because God the all knowing one might as well destroy all people from the surface of the earth and a puff of wind but He Chooses not too,You know why ?
Because He knows that at the switch of a button even the most evil man can turn away from his ways to become the most pious being and even a saint can fall to becoming a sinner.

And that is why Jesus in the face of pain and anguish though innocent of all they accused him off,He bore the pain and said 'Father Forgive them for they know not what they do"

I enjoin you today to forgive that person ,invite God into the Matter ,report it to God and leave it at HIS feet and watch and see if He wont take care of it and of you

UPDATE : For Peace to rain in any war all parties must sheath their swords ,one person cannot sheath and the other will see it as an opportunity to behead the one who has sheath his sword lest the sword be removed from its sheath and the battle rage on.......I strive to be like Christ,However I am Human.

These are my Monday thoughts i hope it has blessed you ,Thank you for reading

'Kemi Asekun

1 comment:

  1. Should not. If u do u only slide into the bad side. Best thing let karma play its thing
