Sunday 5 January 2020

Pray For Australia

Australia is facing an unprecedented national crisis, the bush fires are tearing through cities and rural
areas, leaving millions of people and animals homeless and injured. Reports state that since September, at least 20 people have died and over 1,500 homes have been destroyed. 

It's so bad that there is fear of entire species of plants and animals being wiped out by bush fires. So far, nearly 500 million animals have died, and if that does not alarm us, nothing will.

To paint a more realistic picture of the crisis facing wildlife, this image of a Joey (baby Kangaroo) caught and burnt while trying to escape, speaks volumes.

(Graphic image, viewer discretion advised)

An Instagram page called the VetPaw shared this picture with the following caption, 'This crisis is real. This little joey (baby kangaroo) caught in the fence trying to escape the fires in Australia, tells the story to the world.'

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