Tuesday 21 January 2020

Soul Serenade Monday Thoughts 20/1/2020

Diamonds are to forever what Velvet is to Royalty

Some people come into our lives to teach Us a lesson and that is all the relationship should be but we sometimes hold out or hold on hoping to make a permanent event what God only ordained as temporary.

Every relationship be it man man,woman,woman or woman man is usually so that we can learn something or redeem a past karmaic tie ,or learn a lesson for a future purpose.

Unfortunately a lot of us let the pain cut so deep dwell in the gloom that we never really learn the lesson the challenge is that should we refuse to learn we will have to repeat the experience and sometimes in a way more painful than the last .

That is why some men will say all women are the same or all men are the same because they are attracting the same type of people based on their vibration so Nneka comes but she acts just like Bose ,so you let go then Bose goes but she is no different from Fatima.

The problem is not the women but the vibration you are giving of that is attracting same type of people as it is for the men so it is for women ,Emeka was a womanizer ,But now Abubaker is also a womanizer ,then you switch to Lekan same story or Biodun used to slap you then you move on to Chinedu he starts beating you again ok you hear Hausa men treat women like eggs then you meet Umar quite unlike Hausa men Umar starts to beat you too .

Like I say we are all in class ,all learning I just happen to be the Class rep
So with all I have said what is your current relationship teaching you ,or what has it taught you
Or what did your last relationship teach you ?

Not all relationships will last a lifetime, some will come and like a flash of lightening show us what we need to heal and just as they came, they are gone.

But with God there are no loses only Lessons
So tonight again, my Question is what lesson is your current relationship teaching you
And what lesson did you learn from your past relationship ?
How can you come to the realization of what the lesson to learn is?

Well firstly it is usually something that irks and irritates you anything that really pisses you of is a pointer to what you need to learn to handle better e.g A man whose wife is a nag needs to learn to ignore, be patient and hand over the matter to God.

A woman whose man is flirtatious with other women needs to look away,hand over the matter to God
In this instance I am referring to married relationships I know there are different types of relationships out there but by all means if someone is ensuring you lose your peace of mind or the equilibrium you desperately need to achieve greatness learn the lesson and avoid their toxicity.

But if you are married ehen ,just hand the matter over to God and endure unless they themselves want out in which case you will be doing yourself great injustice to hold on to them AGAINST their will even God permits us freewill ,how then will you a human being want to hold on to another against their will ?

Now sometimes you hand over the matter to God and keep peeking/Peeping if God has answered or has indeed touched the person.
Maybe God is also waiting for you to trust him fully and take your eyes of the situation like it never existed or doesn’t exist

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